World Peace Corps Global Alliance Manager Warith Akbar

For the mission of peace and the will to create meaningful relationships with leadership faction around the world that has the ability to think outside of the box and place misinformation in a box until investigation proves information is accurate to the point of not ones own rules of law but to a united entities united rule of law that does not pick sides our align with a mission that connected to campaign contribution are promised future endorsement. We the new citizens NATO alliance comes correct the first bill of law and speak in the behalf of future mankind and the unborn that we have fund that members of all global parties in full and undeniable a first violation article of rules of engagement to allow talk of war in house of chambers without citizens being able to bare witnesses to the cost and amount of damage to possible property and lose of life is a will be always looked on my the people of this court a gross violation of trust and against all ethical reasons to start the war machine up without readable doubt that evidence proven by the people UN peace investigation. The UN peace keeper Doc and scientist boots on the ground evidence is solid enough for the people will except there recommendation. Meaning united state got a recommendation from these peace keeper before the Iraq war . US didn't not play by the rules and take in the account that these keeper told the US that Iraq did not show evidence that they had or where in the process of developing weapons grade property and that if they where it would take them 30 years or more before they would be even close to nuclear OK capable. Know while us was attacking a country that was not in violation of the UN peace Treaty Iran and north Korea where not only fully publicly developing nuclear technology and was in the master of location and time of day and mission preparation these countries could hit any major city in under week. We the people therefore as that all act of war against the musad and ask the musad to step in the middle east and do how we the people believe you have the capability to stop all facilities and technology to be developed or shipped into your area of operations. We ask the the musad war with NATO peace keeper in fighting from the downgrade of all nuclear weapons. And as the the UN in the future when talk of future war there should and always be witnesses and peace Boots on the ground zone zero dark to 30 . NATO this rule of law articles of to glary no retreat. We ask that like hotel yawanda that history will not repeat itself. When on peace mission and have boots on the ground your know standing order are to hold year ground. Make base camp at ground zone and you the peace Treaty will always you to remain on the ground as long as hostile actions is downgraded. This new global peace Treaty gives special forces a full range of rules of engagement action will if engaged by hustle forces in the process of securing citizens retreat . We this peace mission is giving the world a notice of new aligned treaty. If these peace keeper are in your territory give them a wide birth and do not attempt to stop or block them from mission. That these keeper pose no harm to your mission unless they are attacked or witnesses human rights violations. They are ordered by know standing order to bring a the forces of a navy destroyer and special treaty oprs attachment to bare to protect the citizen and the Mission. This peace destroy will in the future will showdow these keeper wherever they go . They know have the ability to bring with them peace special and hostage negotiators with them as well be warned as of dark to 12000 hours I'm asking that these keeper have a quick response all weather black eyes attempme


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