
Global Leadership Infrastructure specialist

World Peace Corps Global Alliance Manager Warith Akbar

For the mission of peace and the will to create meaningful relationships with leadership faction around the world that has the ability to think outside of the box and place misinformation in a box until investigation proves information is accurate to the point of not ones own rules of law but to a united entities united rule of law that does not pick sides our align with a mission that connected to campaign contribution are promised future endorsement. We the new citizens NATO alliance comes correct the first bill of law and speak in the behalf of future mankind and the unborn that we have fund that members of all global parties in full and undeniable a first violation article of rules of engagement to allow talk of war in house of chambers without citizens being able to bare witnesses to the cost and amount of damage to possible property and lose of life is a will be always looked on my the people of this court a gross violation of trust and against all ethical reasons to start the wa

Consumer Salvation

Fixing the hedge fund hack Wall Street executive pledged to world market with . At this point I'm happy to announce that my organization has come up a 1 over 1 ratio kickback policy and reset of the post borish market . Changing the borish narrative and moving the global market to a future that brings wealth to everyone without putting strain on are shareholders bottom line. Upgrade on knowledge: wall Street it's time to explain to the people the truth about what there personal family blood line working class worth to the market for a 60 year investment. My guess is if a grant grandparent started working in the 40 with probably 3 children to start with. Retired at 65. By the time that 3rd generation blood line retires with the grandchildren steps in to that The family would of invested around 15 million. Given the around about ball park of a fully developed family of 5 . After the grandchildren peeks to first year in colleg

Global Treaty Alliance 2025

Warith Akbar Founder and owner of this tag . I'm asking for assistance in securing my organization maga data . And asking for all software engineers thats in the IT department to redirect there posture at once for your mission in this world is not to be a hacker. The definition of a hacker is a terrorist organization abroad or a enemy that will stop at nothing to get there hands on US and are allies classified infrastructure. If these types of terrorist can they will attempt to harm your country ability to secure its homeland and protect are global interest by any means we allow them to . Meaning if you shut down power grid and crash a company or a organization. Or leak company classified information you are in fact commiting a act of terrorism and could be looking at 40 to life in gitmo or a federal prison. FYI in other county like China or Russia they take treason etc espionage very serious . Let's just say if you are picked up or extradited to one of those country for espion

International Emissions Agreement report

My name is warith akbar and i dev org platform that corp and countys can by or lease with 20 to 50 year solid Economic and free trade package . Some of this next gen assets come order with some packages req a sec ops IT avisry drail .   It's a good idea to mankind to respect mother nature or she will respond will force. For example  Bigger storms . And air Quality and its worst highs . Impacting the human race to  Extension .l One thing human relay on it fresh air. When we lose 30 % of its quality birth rate will be affected. And cancer will affect out of a 3 family members in a 20 year life span give or add 1 depending on quality of life does not  Increase in other parts human a citizen life. These numbers are at least 20 years from know before the CDC ,  Transportation will give a air Quality crisis reports. Making all global emissions to be cut down to 35 %  Production . The good news is most of the globe oil resources will be down to from research 40 % . To combat this problem

Global Ceasefire Peace Agreement

Global Private Investigator journalist Warith akbar  This global entity from is a operations a reset for democracy abound new citizens humanitarian think tank . I'm asking all citizens and leadership group to combine forces to bring to the peace table a the new campaign for a real new generation grater minds think alike. We here set are ego aside to make world peace mission a actual mission of peace and a better option on the table to get citizens involved with with questions and answers to victim on the ground from both sides . We here at this new bipartisan global form is holding each other accountable if we cannot help aggression becomes peace and a agrees apone seize fire . We work directly with the commander on the ground. We do not pick side and we agrees to disagree. We do not have a political opinion about anything we witnessed because we are ourselves as humans are not perfect so we cannot and will not judge your mission without you country or the world community investi