International Emissions Agreement report

My name is warith akbar and i dev org platform that corp and countys can by or lease with 20 to 50 year solid Economic and free trade package . Some of this next gen assets come order with some packages req a sec ops IT avisry drail .

 It's a good idea to mankind to respect mother nature or she will respond will force. For example  Bigger storms . And air Quality and its worst highs . Impacting the human race to  Extension .l One thing human relay on it fresh air. When we lose 30 % of its quality birth rate will be affected. And cancer will affect out of a 3 family members in a 20 year life span give or add 1 depending on quality of life does not  Increase in other parts human a citizen life. These numbers are at least 20 years from know before the CDC ,  Transportation will give a air Quality crisis reports. Making all global emissions to be cut down to 35 %  Production . The good news is most of the globe oil resources will be down to from research 40 % . To combat this problem I purpose all emissions  Draining deep oil platform cut the operation level by 2.0 % per year. And all nuclear weapons testing operation needs to to test there weapons and max 1 every 3 years. FYI Every nuclear blast stays in are  Atmosphere for over 20 years on land and in air and lungs and water  , food, pets for 100 of that blood line . It's also very possible these effects has already decided that fate of human kind. 

The reason why a  nuclear weapon is so effective is because it never stops killing its  Territory its claims. These  Chemicals a nuclear blast can travel around the globe in under 3 or 4 days . And  Invisible to the  Naked eye but not to a cancer that has found another  Unexpected victim of a mouth of a baby bird or the children of John Hopkins. 

Global leaders these are facts. These are the days when you as leaders and commanders has to decide what is worth more to you war or peace and   Prosperity to give your the next generation a fighting chance. 

I was born with asthma . Because of this disease if lived with all my life I learned to cherish what air I breath. Because I know very well how it fools to   Shufflicate


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